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Python cheatsheet


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Comments Variables Data types Strings Lists Tuples Sets Dictionaries
Operators Conditionals Loops Functions
Reserved Words Built-in Functions Styles
W3schools Official site


#Comments can be placed at the end of a line.
Multi-line string literal not assigned to a variable
can be a multi-line comment.


No need to declare with any particular type.
Created when a value is assigned.
Can change type after it has been set.
  s = str(5)
  i = int(5)
  x = float(5)
Local -- created inside a function
Global -- created outside a function
Global -- created inside a function using global
          global x
nonlocal -- non local variable inside nested function

Data types

str        s = 'hello' ("hello")
bool       f = True (False)
           f = bool(a)
               False if a = empty (), [], {}, "", 0, None
int        i = 50000000000000000
float      x = 3.14
           x = -52.83e-2
complex    y = 2+3j
range      a = range(3, 10, 2)
               start, stop ,step-->3 5 7 9
list       a = ["CPU", "HDD", "SSD"]
           indexed, changeable, allow duplicate values
tuple      a = ("CPU", "HDD", "SSD")
           indexed, unchangeable, allow duplicate values
set        a = {"CPU", "HDD", "SSD"}
           unindexed, value unchangeable, no duplicate members
frozenset  a = frozenset({"CPU", "HDD", "SSD"})
           unchangeable set
dict       a = {"CPU" : "Intel", "bus" : 64}
           ordered, changeable, no duplicate members
bytes      a = b"ABC"  (store b'ABC' -- 65, 66, 67)
           a = bytes([1, 2, 3])  (store b'\x01\x02\x03' -- 1, 2, 3)
           a = bytes('好', 'UTF-8')  (store b'\xe5\xa5\xbd' -- 229, 165, 189)
           the object cannot be modified
bytearray  a = bytearray(3)  (store 0, 0, 0)
           a = bytearray([1,2,3])  (store b'\x01\x02\x03' -- 1, 2, 3)
           the object can be modified
data type  print(type(x))
str, list, tuple, set and dict are iterable objects.


Python string is an array of characters.
carriage return + line feed  (\r\n, 0D 0A, 13 10)
Windows \r\n
Unix/Linux \n

Escape Characters
\' \\ \r \n \t octal \ooo (\101 A) hex \xhh (\x41 A)

s = "一" + '二' + "三"
print(s[1])   二
print(len(s)) 3
for x in s:
  print(x)    一 二 三
s = '''ABC
print(len(s)) 7
print(a)      b'ABC\n123'
for x in a:
  print(x)    65 66 67 10 49 50 51

print("HDD" in s)    True

s=b[2:5]  CDE
s=b[9:]   JKL
s=b[:3]   ABC

s="{} * {} = {}"
print(t)    50 * 2 = 100


indexed, changeable, allow duplicate values
a=list(("a","b","c","d","e","f")) #Convert a tuple to a list
a[0]   the first item
a[-1]  the last item
a[2:4] return a new list with a[2] and a[3]
a[2:]  a new list from a[2] to end
a[:4]  a new list from a[0] to a[3]
a[2:4] = ["x","y"]  update a[2] and a[3]
x, y, *z = a           unpack, x<--a[0], y<--a[1], z<--others
a.insert(2, "q")    a[2]="q"
a.append("w")       add to the end
a.pop(2)            remove a[2]
a.pop               remove the last item
a.remove("x")       remove the first item = "x"
del a[2]            remove a[2]
del a               remove the list, not exist
a.clear()           empty the list a=[]

item in a           True of False
x = a.index("HDD")  returns the index at the first occurrence
x = a.count("HDD")  counts the number of occurrences

a.extend(b)         iterable object b is added to the end of list a
newlist = a + b     join the lists
b = a         b is a reference to a
b = a.copy()  b is a copy of a
b = list(a)   b is a copy of a
b = a*3       b is a copy of a+a+a

a.sort()            ascending, case sensitive by default
a.sort(reverse = True)  descending
a.sort(key = str.lower) case insensitive

#sort according to the return value of distance()
def distance(x):
  return abs(x-100)
a = [100, 120, 90, 80, 150]
a.sort(key = distance)

for x in a:
for i in range(len(a)):

newlist = [expression for item in iterable if condition == True]
newlist = [x.upper() for x in a if "CPU" in x.upper()]
newlist = [x*2 for x in range(10)]


ordered, allow duplicate values, cannot change, add or remove items
a = ("CPU","HDD","SSD")
a = ("CPU",)
a tuple with only one item must be ended with a comma


unindexed, value unchangeable, no duplicate members
a = {"CPU","HDD","SSD"}
a = set(("CPU","HDD","SSD"))

for x in a:

a.add("RAM")     add an item
a.remove("CPU")  remove an item (error check)
a.discard("CPU") remove an item (no error check)
del a            remove the set, not exist
a.clear()        empty the set a={}

item in a           True or False
a.isdisjoint(b)     True or False
a.issubset(b)       True or False  a is a subset of b
a.issuperset(b)     True or False  a is a superset of b

a.update(b)     iterable object b is added to a
c = a.union(b)  return a new set from a and b
a.intersection_update(b)    a is updated to keep the intersection only
c = a.intersection(b)       return the intersection as a new set
a.symmetric_difference_update(b)  a is updated to keep the symmetric difference of a and b
                                  (items not present in both sets)
c = a.symmetric_difference(b)     return a new set
a.difference_update(b)            a is updated to keep the items that only in a but not in b
c = a.difference(b)               return a new set

b = a         b is a reference to a
b = a.copy()  b is a copy of a
b = set(a)    b is a copy of a


ordered, changeable, no duplicate members
store key:value pairs
a = {
  "CPU": 900,
  "HDD": 350,
  "SSD": 400
a = dict(CPU=900,HDD=350,SSD=400)

k = ("CPU","HDD","SSD")   keys
v = 0                          value for all keys. Optional,default=None
a = dict.fromkeys(k, v)

x = a["HDD"]       x stores the value
x = a.get("HDD")   x stores the value
x = a.keys()       a stores a list of all the keys (gets updated,)
x = a.values()     a stores a list of all the values (gets updated, )
x = a.items()      a stores each item as tuples in a list (gets updated, )
                   dict_items([('CPU', 900), ('HDD', 350), ('SSD', 400)])
a["HDD"] = 450     update
a["LCD"] = 800     add
a.update({"DVD drive": 200,"Keyboard":50,"Mouse":60})
a.update(b)        dictionary b is added to a
x = a.setdefault("RAM", 300)  if "RAM exists, 300 is ignored, x=original value
                              if not exist, "RAM":300 is added. x=300

a.pop("HDD")       remove
del a["HDD"]       remove
a.popitem()        removes the last inserted item
del a              remove the dictionary, not exist
a.clear()          empty the dictionary a={}

for x in a:
    print(x)       x stores the key
for x in a.keys():
    print(x)       x stores the key
for x in a.values():
    print(x)       x stores the value
for x, y in a.items():
  print(x, y)      x=key, y=value

"HDD" in a         True or False

b = a         b is a reference to a
b = a.copy()  b is a copy of a
b = dict(a)   b is a copy of a


    x = y = z = 0
    a, b, c = "CPU", "HDD", "SSD"
    x, y, z = [1, 2, 3]
    += -= *= /= %= //= **=
    &= |= ^= >>= <<=
    + - * /
    %(modulus) **(exp)
    //(floor division, -15//2 --> -8)
    & | ~(not) ^(XOR)
    << (push 0 in)
    >> (copy msb)
    == != > < >= <=
    and or not
    not in
    (x = [1,2,3,4,5], 2 in x --> True)
    is       a is b --> a and b are the same object
    is not    


if a > b:
elif a == b:

if a > b: print("a")

if a > b:
  pass    #nothing to do

Conditional expression
x = 2 if a > b else 1
print("a") if a > b else print("b")  
x = 3 if a > b else 2 if a == b else 1
print("a") if a > b else print("=") if a == b else print("b")

Python does not have a switch or case statement.


while ....:
  if ....: continue  #next
  if ....: break     #exit the loop (the else part is not executed)
  print("normal exit from the loop")
To implement a post-test loop
while True:
  ....loop body....
  if ....: break

loop = True
while loop:
  ....loop body....
  loop = ....
for loop iterates over a sequence(list tuple range dictionary set string)

for x in a:
  if ....: continue  #next
  if ....: break     #exit the loop (the else part is not executed)
  print("normal exit from the loop") #x=last value in a

* normal exit --> x=last value in a
pass = an empty loop body

Optimization: in this case, while loop is better than for loop

for x in range(0, 30000):
* at the end, x=29999

x = 0
while x < 30000:
    x += 1    
* at the end, x=30000


def f(parameter):

def f(*p):        #arbitrary arguments
  print(p[3])     #11
  print(type(p))  #

def f(p1,p2,p3):
  print(p3)       #['i', 'j']
f(p3=["i","j"],p1=4,p2="a")   #keyword arguments


Reserved Words

and as assert break class continue def del
elif else except False finally for from global
if import in is lambda None nonlocal not or pass
raise return True try while with yield

Built-in Functions
Built-in Functions

abs() aiter() all() any() anext() ascii()
bin() bool() breakpoint() bytearray() bytes()
callable() chr() classmethod() compile() complex()
delattr() dict() dir() divmod()
enumerate() eval() exec()
filter() float() format() frozenset()
getattr() globals()
hasattr() hash() help() hex()
id() input() int() isinstance() issubclass() iter()
len() list() locals()
map() max() memoryview() min()
object() oct() open() ord()
pow() print() property()
range() repr() reversed() round()
set() setattr() slice() sorted() staticmethod() str() sum() super()
tuple() type()

Style Guide for Python Code

Use UTF-8.
Names are case sensitive.
Function and variable names -- lowercase with _ separating words.
Constants -- uppercase with _ separating words, usually defined on a module level.
'' and "" strings are the same.

4 spaces per indentation level is preferred over TAB.

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
# Comments are limited to 72 characters.
Block comments generally apply to code that follows them, and are
indented to the same level as that code.

Surround = += -= == < > != <> <= >= in not in is is not and or
with a single space on either side.
If operators with different priorities are used, consider adding
whitespace around the operators with the lowest priority(ies).
Never use more than one space.
Always have the same amount of whitespace on both sides of a binary operator.

n,a,b = 1,2,3
n = n + 1
n += 1
n = a*2 + 3
n = a*a + b*b
n = (a+b) / (a-b)    

Use a backslash \ for line continuation.
Preferred ways of wrapping long lines:

Aligned with opening delimiter. Break before the operator.
total_mark = (chinese*3
              + english*3
              + maths*2
              + ict
              + physics)

Hanging indents should add a level.
total_mark = (
    chinese*3 + english*3
    + maths*2 + ict
    + physics)

if (chinese>=50 and